Welcome to Rumpus, the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server for Mac OS that brings workstation levels of reliability and performance to your Macintosh. Rumpus is unique among FTP servers for the Mac OS in two distinct ways. First, Rumpus is Open Transport-native (but also supports MacTCP). This means you can serve files much faster than with other FTP servers because they rely on MacTCP for networking functions, which is much slower and less sophisticated than Open Transport. Second, the most popular FTP servers for the Mac today use File Sharing to determine what folders and volumes are made available to the user when they log in to the server. Rumpus, on the other hand, operates more like popular HTTP (Web) servers, allowing you to select a folder or volume from which everything is served. This has several benefits:
Also note that while Rumpus does not log users into File Sharing as other FTP servers do, it can use your Mac's Users & Groups settings to provide username and password security. For details, see the Security Options section later in this guide, as well as your Mac OS documentation on File Sharing and Users & Groups.
Another concern is what to do with files that are sent by a client to the server in encoded formats, such as MacBinary, or BinHex. Part of the task of administering an FTP server is being aware of the major encoding issues and providing content on your server in the appropriate format. Rumpus takes care of virtually all these concerns for you by providing more than one way to serve files and to automatically encode files if requested by an FTP client.
FTP servers are capable of many tasks, but for the most part your users will be using just a few of these services, such as:
Finally, a word should be said here about how FTP clients and servers communicate and how this protocol differs from other popular client-server protocols on the Internet. On the Web, which uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), each transaction between a Web browser and server is a separate occurrence because HTTP is a stateless protocol. This means that the client and server only communicate for the brief period of time during the request from a client and the server's response. After the transaction has been completed, the client and server no longer communicate, even though the user may still be reading (or otherwise working with) the file that was sent.
FTP, on the other hand, uses a stateful form of communication. This means that the client and server can use a single connection to issue and process multiple successive requests. This type of communication enables more efficient file transfers and makes performing multiple transactions easier. The down side to this type of communication, however, is that the server has to work a little harder to maintain communication with its clients. FTP servers that serve files to anonymous users often have to handle greater numbers of simultaneous connections (and for longer periods of time), so the ability to place limits on anonymous access is an important feature of Rumpus that is described in detail later in this document.
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